CALL US : 1-806-414-5378
Rev. Bernie Dietrich
Support our Ministry, to Help others in need.
We would like to ask anyone that would like to help our Ministry, by supporting it, that would be a blessing, The donations that we do get, will go to help other Ministries in need. We do
not force anyone to make the donations, but we encourage.
None of our materials are free of charge, and the only way we get support is by people like you. If there is a natural disaster, or the homeless or orphans. Our Ministry will make donations to them depending on how many donations that we get.
We do this in hope to help others, that is why our Ministry is an International Ministry. All donations that the people give, God will bless you 10 Fold. For all ordination materials and ect. We are a non-profit and the donations is for the people that are in need.
If you would like to make a donation that would be a blessing. And our Ministry will donate it to the right Ministry, people in need. You will get in writing after the donation what you donated. Your donation is Tax Deductible.